1. A mining company in a remote area may seek a local church pastor for the role of mine chaplain. Try contacting the mine management and organizing an appointment. If you have prior work experience in a mine that can be a big plus.For those who are seeking to become chaplains in the mining industry there are a number of different options available. Most important is to pray. God has amazing ways of opening doors. If God has called you He will make it happen.
2. Having a chaplaincy qualification can be helpful. Here are some options:
- If you are in a remote area you may consider on-line training. Tabor College (see below) may appeal to you.
- Non-denominational training. Please be aware that some non-denominational training is secular. Tabor College may be a good option.
- Denominational training. The different denominations offer various chaplaincy training courses dealing with such things as emergency response, hospitals, nursing homes and schools. I am not aware of any denominations offering mining chaplaincy training. However, simply having a chaplaincy qualification may be sufficient in your application with a mining company.
3. Speak to your denominational HQ about mine chaplaincy. Their representation to the mine company could be advantageous.
4. Go to the Out of the Pit website www.outofthepit.org click on the resource tab. There you will find some documents regarding the positive input of chaplaincy for mining companies. You may like to utilize this information in your application process.
Non-denominational training centres:
Converge International
State Offices
National Head Office
Level 5, 255 Bourke Street Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Telephone: 03 8681 2444 Fax: 03 8681 2488
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
Suite 704, 491 Kent St Sydney, NSW, 2001
Telephone: 02 8264 3128 Fax: 02 9269 0855
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
Level 2, 141 Logan Rd Woolloongabba, QLD, 4102
Telephone: 07 3018 3875
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
174 Pulteney St Adelaide, SA, 5000
Telephone: 08 8127 7333
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
5 / 14 Reid Promenade Joondalup, WA, 6027
Telephone: 08 9318 4080
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
Canberra Level 5, 7 London Circuit Canberra, ACT
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
Hobart Level 6, Reserve Bank Building 111 Macquarie St Hobart TAS
Email: info@convergeintl.com.au
Murdoch University, Western Australia
Graduate Diploma in Chaplaincy
Tabor College
Tabor College is non-denominational, their Hobart campus provides on-line chaplaincy training:
Denominational Training Centres:
Anglican Church of Australia
General requirements for mining chaplaincy (according to Rev’d Peter Palmer) is minimum 2 years of theological education, and CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) training.
For more info contact Peter Palmer (Mining Chaplain): 0402 062 842
Apostolic Church
Australian Christian Churches
Alphacrucis College http://ac.edu.au/chaplaincy/essentials/
Chaplaincy Australia http://www.chaplaincyaustralia.com/
Baptist Church
Accreditation policy for chaplains see:
Morling College
Catholic: Chaplains Without Borders
Father James Grant Email: frjames@cwb.net.au Mobile: 0425 721 962
Christian & Missionary Alliance
Christian Reformed Church
Churches of Christ (Vic & Tas)
1st Floor, 582 Heidelberg Rd Fairfield VIC 3078
Phone 03 9488 8800
Congregational Church & Wesley Mission
C3 Church
Foursquare Gospel
Lutheran Church
Nazarene Church
Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Theological College (Vic, Aust).
Salvation Army
Westcare Chaplaincy Training:
Booth College
Uniting Church
The Uniting College
Click here to download the PDF of the Chaplaincy Training Directory.